EDS 223: Spatial Analysis - Assignment 2
During February 2021, Texas experienced three extreme winter storms on February 10-11, February 13-17, and Februrary 15-20 that caused power outages in Houston’s residential areas. We are interested in quantifying the severity of those power outages by calculating the number of Houston homes that lost power due to the first two storms.
To do so, we are used NASA’s VNP46A1 data product from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) to examine night lights image data from February 7-16. We used four VIIRS data tiles to study the Houston area.
We also incorporated OpenStreetMap roads and building data to account for light emitted from traffic and buildings.
We defined an area as having experienced a blackout if we calculate a difference in night lights intensity greater than 200 nW cm-2 sr-1.
read_dnb <- function(file_name) {
dataset_name <- "//HDFEOS/GRIDS/VNP_Grid_DNB/Data_Fields/DNB_At_Sensor_Radiance_500m"
h_string <- gdal_metadata(file_name)[199]
v_string <- gdal_metadata(file_name)[219]
tile_h <- as.integer(str_split(h_string, "=", simplify = TRUE)[[2]])
tile_v <- as.integer(str_split(v_string, "=", simplify = TRUE)[[2]])
west <- (10 * tile_h) - 180
north <- 90 - (10 * tile_v)
east <- west + 10
south <- north - 10
delta <- 10 / 2400
dnb <- read_stars(file_name, sub = dataset_name, quiet = TRUE)
st_crs(dnb) <- st_crs(4326)
st_dimensions(dnb)$x$delta <- delta
st_dimensions(dnb)$x$offset <- west
st_dimensions(dnb)$y$delta <- -delta
st_dimensions(dnb)$y$offset <- north
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1.A2021038.h08v05.001.2021039064328.h5"
dnb_38_v05 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1.A2021038.h08v06.001.2021039064329.h5"
dnb_38_v06 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1.A2021047.h08v05.001.2021048091106.h5"
dnb_47_v05 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)
file_name <- "data/VNP46A1.A2021047.h08v06.001.2021048091105.h5"
dnb_47_v06 <- read_dnb(file_name = file_name)
is data from before the stormdnb_47
is data from after the stormNote: This is a crude data analysis of the “DNB_At_Sensor_Radiance_500m” dataset, which contains values as seen from space. There is no correction for stray light, moonshine, cloud presence, or any other confounding variables As a result, it is possible we have surprising outliers and regions that systemically actually appear to be brighter from space after the storm.
downsample set to c(9,9)
Figure 1: Night lights intensity in Houston, TX before the storm.
downsample set to c(9,9)
Figure 2: Night lights intensity in Houston, TX after the storm.
difference <- (dnb_38 - dnb_47) > 200
difference[difference == FALSE] <- NA
diff_vector <- st_as_sf(difference)
diff_vector <- st_make_valid(diff_vector)
houston <- st_polygon(list(rbind(c(-96.5, 29),
c(-96.5, 30.5),
c(-94.5, 30.5),
c(-94.5, 29),
c(-96.5, 29))))
houston <- st_sfc(houston)
houston <- houston %>%
diff_cropped <- diff_vector[houston, op = st_intersects]
diff_cropped <- diff_cropped %>%
to NAD 83query <- "SELECT * FROM gis_osm_roads_free_1 WHERE fclass='motorway'"
highways <- st_read("data/gis_osm_roads_free_1.gpkg", query = query, quiet = TRUE)
highways <- highways %>%
hwy_buff_200m <- st_buffer(highways, dist = 200)
hwy_buff_200m <- st_union(hwy_buff_200m)
to NAD 83buildings
contains residential, apartments, house, static_caravan, and detached typesquery <- "SELECT *
FROM gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1
OR type in ('residential', 'apartments', 'house', 'static_caravan', 'detached')"
buildings <- st_read("data/gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1.gpkg", query = query, quiet = TRUE)
buildings <- buildings %>%
acs_geoms <- st_read("data/ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS.gdb",
layer = "ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS",
quiet = TRUE)
acs_income <- st_read("data/ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS.gdb",
layer = "X19_INCOME",
quiet = TRUE)
median_income <- acs_income[c("GEOID", "B19013e1")]
geo_id <- acs_income[c("GEOID")]
geoms_income <- left_join(acs_geoms, acs_income, by = c("GEOID_Data" = "GEOID"))
geoms_income <- geoms_income %>%
houston <- houston %>%
geoms_income_cropped <- geoms_income[houston, op = st_intersects]
no_hwy <- st_difference(diff_cropped, hwy_buff_200m)
(which is our area of interest)buildings_blackout <- buildings[no_hwy, op = st_intersects]
q1_ans <- nrow(buildings_blackout)
There were 157411 residential buildings without power on 2021-02-16.
on top of a base map of the Houston areares <- tm_shape(buildings_blackout) +
pt1 <- st_point(c(-96.5, 29))
pt2 <- st_point(c(-96.5, 30.5))
pt3 <- st_point(c(-94.5, 30.5))
pt4 <- st_point(c(-94.5, 29))
coords <- list(rbind(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt1))
polygon <- st_polygon(x = coords)
houston <- st_sfc(polygon, crs = "EPSG:4326")
houston_bbox <- st_bbox(houston)
houston_map <- osm.raster(houston_bbox)
tm_shape(houston_map) +
tm_rgb() +
Figure 3: Approximately 157,411 residential buildings in Houston, TX were affected by the February 2021 storm.
In conclusion, we identified 157411 residential buildings in Houston without power due to the severe February 2021 storms. While night lights intensity may just be one way to measure the impact of these events, this method illustrates the vast potential of remotely sensed data from sources such as the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the Suomi satellite.
Full code for this assignment can be found here.
For attribution, please cite this work as
Forsline (2021, Oct. 24). Mia Forsline: Spatial analysis of 2020 Houston power outages due to extreme winter storms. Retrieved from miaforsline.github.io/
BibTeX citation
@misc{forsline_houston, author = {Forsline, Mia}, title = {Mia Forsline: Spatial analysis of 2020 Houston power outages due to extreme winter storms}, url = {miaforsline.github.io/}, year = {2021} }